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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Report writing on annual sports day for class 12 and 10, wbchse

In this post we will discuss the complete and easy way to solve Report writing on annual sports Day for class 12 and 10, wbchse. 

Report writing on annual sports Day

Prepared by: Sarfaraj Nawaj 

প্রিয় ছাত্রছাত্রী প্রতি বছরের ন্যায় এবছর ও Annual Sports Day নিয়ে Report writing খুব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। তাই তোমাদের জন্যে সহজ সরল ভাষায় উত্তরটা আলোচনা করা হলো।

Notice: উত্তরটি Pdf হিসেবে পেতে চাইলে নিচে ক্লিক করুন! 👇

Question: Write a report on the annual sports of your school, to be published in the school magazine.


Murshidabad, 25thAugust, 2022: Annual Sports Day was celebrated in a befitting manner in the premises of ABC High School on 24th August, 2022. The school was decorated with flowers, posters, banners and festoons etc. All the students and teachers gathered on the ground. Mr. Sisir Kumar a renowned footballer was the chief guest of this programme. Some local guest, guardians were also presented. Our headmaster welcomed the chief guest. The programme started at 11 am with the hoisting of the national flag by the chief guest. Many events were organized as 100m, 200m and 400m race, high jump, long jump, discus throw, musical chair etc. About 300 students participated in this programme. The main attraction was 'Go As You Like' . We all enjoyed very much. The chief guest gave a motivating speech about the importance of sports in education. After that, prizes were given away to the winners for the various events. Finally the programme ended at 5 pm with the speech of our headmaster. He thanked everyone for the successful programme.

By Kamal Hossain 

Class: XII

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আমাদের মেল আইডি হল।👇👇

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