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Monday, July 26, 2021

Class 10 model activity task , geography part 4 with answers, WBBSE, Madhyamik 2021




                মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক

                        দশম শ্রেণী


এই পোস্টে আমরা আলোচনা করব পশ্চিমবঙ্গ মধ্যশিক্ষা পর্ষদের তরফ থেকে দেওয়া দশম শ্রেণীর মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক এর ভূগোল ও পরিবেশ বিষয়ের সম্পূর্ণ এবং সহজ উপায়ে সমাধান।

১. বিকল্প গুলি থেকে সঠিক উত্তরটি নির্বাচন করে লেখ :

১.১ অবরহন প্রক্রিয়ায় সৃষ্ট একটি ভূমিরূপ হল

(ক) প্লাবনভূমি (খ) এস্কার (গ) গিরিখাত (ঘ) স্বাভাবিক বাঁধ

উত্তর: (গ) গিরিখাত

১.২ হিমবাহ ও পর্বত গাত্রের মধ্যে সৃষ্ট সংকীর্ণ ফাঁক হল - 

(ক) ফিয়ার্ড (খ) বার্গস্রুন্ড (গ) করি (ঘ) এরিটি

উত্তর: (খ) বার্গস্রুন্ড

১.৩ ঠিক জোড়াটি নির্বাচন করো -

(ক) লাদাখ - অঙ্গরাজ্য 

(খ) পদুচেরি - কেন্দ্রশাসিত অঞ্চল

(গ) আন্দামান ও নিকোবর দ্বীপপুঞ্জ-অঙ্গরাজ্য

(ঘ) হরিয়ানা - কেন্দ্রশাসিত অঞ্চল

উত্তর: (খ) পদুচেরি - কেন্দ্রশাসিত অঞ্চল

২. শূন্যস্থান পূরণ করো : 

২.১ বায়ুর  অবনমন বা অবসারণ  প্রক্রিয়ায় বলি ও পলিকনা একস্থান থেকে অন্যস্থানে অপসারিত হয়।

২.২ কাশ্মীর উপত্যকা পীরপাঞ্জাল ও উচ্চ হিমালয় পর্বতশ্রেণী দ্বারা বেষ্টিত।

২.৩ উত্তর - পূর্ব মৌসুমী বায়ুর প্রভাবে শীতকাল প্রায় শুষ্ক প্রকৃতির হয়।

৩. সংক্ষিপ্ত উত্তর দাও :

৩.১ পলল ব্যজনী কেন পর্বতের পাদদেশে সৃষ্টি হয়? 

পলল ব্যজনী পর্বতের পাদদেশে সৃষ্টির কারণ: 

পর্বতের পাদদেশে ভূমির ঢালের হটাৎ পরিবর্তনের ফলে নদীর বহন ক্ষমতা কমে যায় এবং সমস্ত ক্ষয়জাত পদার্থ যেমন - নদীবাহিত পলিরাশী, নুড়ি পর্বতের পাদদেশে সঞ্চিত হয়ে পলল শঙ্কু গঠন করে। অনেকগুলি পলল শঙ্কু জুড়ে গিয়ে বিস্তার লাভ করলে এটি অর্ধগোলাকার হাতপাখার মত দেখতে হয় বলে একে পলল ব্যজনী বলা হয়।                  

উদাহরণ : পূর্ব হিমালয়ের পাদদেশে তরাই অঞ্চলে অনেক পলল ব্যজনী দেখতে পাওয়া যায়।

৩.২ ধাপ চাষ, ফলি চাষ ও সমোন্নতি রেখা বরাবর চাষের মাধ্যমে কিভাবে মৃত্তিকা ক্ষয় প্রতিরোধ করা সম্ভব?

উত্তর: ধাপ চাষ, ফলি চাষ ও সমোন্নতি রেখা বরাবর চাষের মাধ্যমে মৃত্তিকা ক্ষয় প্রতিরোধ করার উপায়সমূহ নিচে আলোচনা করা হলো -

পার্বত্য অঞ্চলে ধাপ চাষ: পার্বত্য অঞ্চলের ঢালু জমিতে ধাপ গঠন করলে জলপ্রবাহ নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা যায়। এভাবে সমগ্র জমিকে ধাপ চাষে কাজে লাগলে ও সঠিকভাবে রক্ষণাবেক্ষণ করলে মাটি ক্ষয়ের হাত থেকে রক্ষা পায়। 

∆  ফালি চাষ : ভূমির ঢালের আড়াআড়ি ভাবে ফালি তৈরি করে শস্য রোপণ করলে তা ভূমিক্ষয় প্রতিরোধ করে। 

  সমোন্নতিরেখা বরাবর কৃষিকাজ : সমোন্নতি রেখা বরাবর জমিগুলিতে আল বা বাঁধ দিয়ে কৃষিজমি তৈরি করে চাষবাস করলে প্রবাহমান জলের গতি বাধাপ্রাপ্ত হয় এবং মৃত্তিকা ক্ষয়ের পরিমাণ হ্রাস পায়। 

৪. হিমবাহের সঞ্চয় কার্যের ফলে গঠিত বিভিন্ন প্রকার গ্রাবরেখার সচিত্র বর্ণনা দাও।

উত্তর : হিমবাহের অবক্ষেপণ বা সঞ্চয় কার্যের ফলে সৃষ্ট ভূমিরূপ: 

∆  গ্রাব রেখা : হিমবাহ অগ্রসর হওয়ার সময় এর সাথে যেসব পাথরখণ্ড , কাকর, বালি, কাদা প্রভৃতি বাহিত হয়, হিমবাহ গলতে আরম্ভ করলে সেগুলি হিমবাহের প্রবাহপথের আশেপাশে ধীরে ধীরে সঞ্চিত হতে থাকে। এই অসংবদ্ধ মিশ্র পদার্থের সঞ্চয়কে পার্শ্ব গ্রাব রেখা বা মোরেন বলে।

গ্রাব রেখাকে বিভিন্ন ভাবে ভাগ করা যায়---

[i] গ্রাবরেখা হিমবাহের দুপাশে সঞ্চিত হলে তাকে পার্শ্ব গ্রাব রেখা বলে।

[ii] দুটি হিমবাহ দুদিক থেকে এসে একস্থানে মিলিত হলে উভয়ের মাঝখানে বাহিত পদার্থ জমা হয়ে যে সরু গ্রাব রেখা তৈরি হয় তাকে মধ্য গ্রাবরেখা বলে। 

[iii] হিমবাহের নিচে অর্থাৎ ভূমিতে ক্ষয়জাত বা বাহিত পদার্থ সঞ্চিত হয়ে যে গ্রাবরেখা তৈরি হয় তাকে ভূমি গ্রাব রেখা বলে। উত্তর পশ্চিম ইউরোপ, পোল্যান্ড , ফিনল্যান্ড, নরওয়ে, সুইডেনের দক্ষিণাংশে এবং কানাডায় যথেষ্ট সংখ্যক গ্রাবরেখা দেখতে পাওয়া যায়।

The End

উপরের উত্তরগুলো নিয়ে কোনোরকম প্রশ্ন থাকলে তা আমাদের জানাও। এছাড়া অন্য কোন প্রশ্ন থাকলে তা তোমরা আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজে জানতে পারো। আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজ জয়েন করার জন্য নিচের লিংকটিতে ক্লিক করো।

👉 Quick Heal English 

আমাদের ফেসবুক গ্রুপ: 

👉 Quick Heal English

এছাড়া অন্য কোনো বিষয়ে আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করতে হলে আমাদের মেল করুন।

আমাদের মেল আইডি হল।👇👇


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Important SAQ type Short of Leela's Friend for Class XI Final Exam 2022

Important SAQ type Short of "Leela's Friend" for Class XI Final Exam 2022. Important for Higher Secondary (HS) Exam. Get all updated questions. Prepare and get sure common. Must get your expected result.

Leela’s Friend - R.K. Narayan Short Answer Type (S.A.Q) (Mark 1)

1. What did Leela do when she saw Sidda for the first time? 

Ans: When Leela saw Sidda for the first time, she gave a cry of joy.

2. What is the name of the novel written by R. K. Narayan? 

Ans: Swami and Friends is the name of the novel written by R. K. Narayan.

3. “His throat went dry.” – Whose throat went dry and why?

Ans: Sidda’s throat went dry when Leela’s mother asked him about the gold chain.

4. “They will pick him up very soon.” – Who are ‘they’?

Ans: Here 'They' refers to the policemen.

5. “You are not at all a reliable prosecution witness.” – Here ‘you’ refers to –

 Ans: Here 'you' refers to Leela.

6. Where was Leela’s chain found?

Ans: Leela’s chain was found in the tamarind pot.

7. Sidda was taken to the police station because – 

Ans: The police assumed that Sidda had stolen the chain.

8. Leela’s mother was unable to tell her stories when requested because –

Ans: Her mind was preoccupied by the thoughts of Sidda.

9. Why did Leela allege her mother?

Ans: Leela alleged her mother for being abusive and rough to Sidda.

10. What was Sidda’s monthly salary at Mr. Sivasanker’s house ?

Ans: Sidda’s monthly salary at Mr. Sivasanker’s house was four rupees

11. “Don’t go near him.” –Who said this to whom? 

Ans: The inspector said this to Leela.

 12. Why did Leela keenly examine the ball ?  

Ans: Leela keenly examined the ball for the trace of the Moon.

13. Where was Mr. Sivasanker standing when Sidda was hanging about the gate?

Ans: Mr. Sivasanker was standing in the front veranda of his house when Sidda was hanging about the gate.

14. What was Mr. Sivasanker doing when Sidda came to him?

Ans: Mr. Sivasanker was brooding over the servant problem.

15. Who was Leela?

Ans: Leela was the Mr. Sivasanker’s five years old only daughter.

16. Why was Mr. Sivasanker worried?

Ans: Mr. Sivasanker was worried because he needed a servant.

17. Who was Sidda’s master?

Ans: Mr. Sivasanker was Sidda’s master.

18. Where did Mr. Sivasanker meet Sidda for the first time?

Ans: Mr. Sivasanker met Sidda for the first time in the front veranda of his house.

19. What was Sidda given for his service?

 Ans: Sidda was given two meals a day and four rupees a month in return of his service.

20. What jobs did Sidda perform?

Ans: Sidda washed clothes, tended the garden, ran errands, chopped woods and looked after Leela.

21. What was Mr. Sivasanker’s first reaction when he met Sidda?

Ans: When Mr. Sivasanker met Sidda for the first time, he thought that Sidda did not seem to be a bad sort and was looked tidy to him.

22. How was Mr. Sivasanker’s servant problem solved?

Ans: Mr. Sivasanker’s servant problem was solved when he found Sidda as a servant.

23. What was Sidda doing when Mr. Sivasanker saw him for the first time?

 Ans: Sidda was hanging about the gate of Mr. Sivasanker’s house.

24. According to Sidda how can one touch the sky?

Ans: According to Sidda if one stands on the coconut tree, he can touch the sky.

25. Why did Sidda leave the old master’s house?

Ans: Sidda left the old master’s house because they left the town.

26. What was Mrs. Sivasanker’s observation about Sidda?

Ans: Mrs. Sivasanker observed that Sidda did not seem worse than the other servant they had hired before.

27. According to Sidda, what was sticking on the ball? 

Ans: According to Sidda, the traces of moon was sticking on the ball?

28. Why did Leela’s mother slap her?

Ans: Leela’s mother slapped her because she lost her gold chain.

29. What was Sidda’s explanation when Leela noticed the moon at two places?

Ans: Sidda explained that he had asked the moon to follow them about.

30. Why did Leela refused to go to bed?

Ans: Leela refused to go to bed that night because she wanted Sidda to come and tell her stories.

31. How many days later did the police find Sidda?

 Ans: The Police found Sidda after four days.

32. What did the inspector tell Leela about Sidda?

Ans: The inspector told Leela that Sidda was a thief and she should not go near him.

33. What was Leela’s box filled with?

Ans: Leela’s box was filled with catalogues, illustrated books and stumps of pencil.

34. How many constables were with the constable?

 Ans: There was only one constable with the inspector.

35. What was the result of Mr. Sivasanker’s scrutiny?

Ans: As a result of Mr. Sivasanker’s scrutiny, he found that Sidda was a not a bad sort.

36. Who insisted the most for taking Sidda into service? 

Ans: Leela insisted the most for taking Sidda into service.

37. What was Sidda’s usual response to the Leela’s call for play?

Ans: When Leela called Sidda to play, he had to drop any work he might doing and run to her.

38. Why should Leela be quick to observe the ball?

Ans: Leela should be quick to observe the ball for the traces of moon because it would evaporate and go back to the moon.

39. Who played teacher to Sidda? 

Ans: Leela played teacher to Sidda.

40. What type of stories did Sidda tell Leela?

Ans: Sidda told many stories for Leela as of animals in the jungle, Gods in the heaven, magicians, princess and their pets and many more.

41. What did Leela’s mother notice when she came back home?

Ans: Leela’s mother notices that the gold chain she had been wearing was missing.

42. Why was Mrs. Sivasanker panic about Sidda?

Ans: Mrs. Sivasanker was panic about Sidda because Sidda was a criminal.

43. Why had Sidda to be in jail for several times?

Ans: Sidda had to be in jail for several times for stealing jewelry from children.

44. “He called his wife.” – Why did Mr. Sivasanker call his wife?

Ans: Mr. Sivasanker called his wife because he could not make up his mind about employing Sidda.

45. What was Mr. Sivasanker brooding over, standing in the veranda of his house?

Ans: Mr. Sivasanker was brooding over the servant problem, standing in the veranda of his house.

46. Who asked Sidda to throw the ball into the sky?

Ans: Leela asked Sidda to throw the ball into the sky.

47. What did Leela ask Sidda to draw?

Ans: Leela asked Sidda to draw a kind of cat and crow.

48. “I told you to take it off and put it in the box.” – What does ‘it’ refer to here?

 Ans: The gold chain of Leela refers to here.

49. Why did Mr. Sivasanker call his wife before appointing Sidda?

 Ans: Mr. Sivasanker was unable to make up his mind wheather he should keep Sidda or not. So he called his wife.

50. What was the salary of Sidda?

Ans: Sidda’s monthly salary at Mr. Sivasanker’s house was four rupees

51. When did Leela's mother notice that Leela's gold chain was missing?

Ans: When Leela came back home with Sidda after buying sugar, Leela's mother suddenly noticed that Leela's gold was missing. 

52. On what condition did the inspector agree to let Sidda off?

Ans: The police inspector agreed to letb Sidda off, if he would return the gold chain and promise not to such a thing again.

53. Who is the author of the story Leela's Friend?

Ans: RK Narayan is the author of the story Leela's Friend.

54. Name the collection of short stories from which 'Leela's Friend' has been taken.

Ans: Leela's Friend has been taken from R.K. Narayan's popular short story collection the Malgudi days. 

55. What was Sidda doing when Mr. Sivasanker was standing in the veranda of his house?

Ans: Sidda was hanging about the gate at a moment when Mr. Sivasanker was standing in the front veranda of his house, brooding over the servant problem. 

56. What was Mr. Sivasanker brooding over?

Ans: Mr. Sivasanker was brooding over servant problem.

57. Where was Sidda befor joining Mr. Sivasanker's house as a servant?

Ans: Befor joining Mr. Sivasanker's house as a servant, Sidda worked in a doctor's house.

58. What did Sidda reply when Mr. Sivasanker asked the name of his previous employer?

Ans: When Mr. Sivasanker asked the name of his previous employer, Sidda gave s stock reply that he used to work in a doctor's house near the market

59. Why was Sidda sent away by his previous master?

Ans: Sidda was sent away by his previous master as the had left the town.

60. What did Mr. Sivasanker do when he found himself unable to make up his mind about employing Sidda?

Ans: Mr. Sivasanker called his wife for help when he found himself unable to make up his mind about employing Sidda.

61. What was Leela's reaction when she saw Sidda?

Ans: Seeing Sidda, Leela was so overjoyed that she was shouting Sidda's name and ran down the steps to meet him.

62. Who made the final decision for employing Sidda?

Ans: Leela made the final decision for employing Sidda.

The End

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উপরের উত্তরগুলো নিয়ে কোনোরকম প্রশ্ন থাকলে তা আমাদের জানাও। এছাড়া অন্য কোন প্রশ্ন থাকলে তা তোমরা আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজে জানাতে পারো। আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজ জয়েন করার জন্য নিচের লিংকটিতে ক্লিক করো।

👉 Quick Heal English (Facebook Page)

আমাদের ফেসবুক গ্রুপ:👉 Quick Heal English (Facebook Group)

এছাড়া অন্য কোনো বিষয়ে আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করতে হলে আমাদের মেল করুন।

আমাদের মেল আইডি হল👇👇

MCQ From Leela's Friend by R. K Narayan Multiple Choice Questions. For Higher Secondary Exam. Class XI, West Bengal.

Here we are going to discuss some Most Important MCQ Question Answers from Leela's Friend  by R. K Narayan. Leela's Friend is the first short story in the syllabus of class 11 WBCHSE. MCQ Question Answer from Leela's Friend can help you to improve your score/marks in English subject. Our primary focus is to bring you only the Important MCQ Question Answer from Leela's Friend, frequently asked in the final exam.

এই পোস্টে West Bengal বোর্ডের একাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি বিষয়ের প্রথম Short Story Leela's Friend থেকে আলোচনা করা হলো কিছু বাছাই করা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ MCQ টাইপ এর প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর।।

Most Important MCQ from Leela's Friend

1. ‘Leela’s Friend' is taken from-Malgudi Days.

2. Mr. Sivasanker was brooding over the servant problem.

3. Previously Sidda worked in a-doctor’s house.

4. Sidda lost his job at the doctor’s house because- the doctor left the town.

5. About Sidda Mr. Sivasanker's first opinion was that the fellow look toddy.

6. “At any rate the fellow looks tidy” Here ‘the fellow refers to- 

Sidda and the speaker is Mr. Sivasanker.

7. Sivasanker was Leela's father and he belonged to a rich family.

8. Leela was-  five years old.

9. Sidda’s job was to wash clothes, tend the garden, chop wood, run errands and look after Leela.

10. Sidda was given two meals a day and four rupees a month.

12. Leela believed that Sidda knew-  the moon.

12. According to Sidda,- there is God in the sky.

13. Sidda told Leela that Whenever there was a big moon, he climbed a coconut tree and touched the sky.

14. According to Sidda, Leela cannot touch the sky standing on a-  Coconut tree.

15. Leela held a class for Sidda-  at dusk.

16. Sidda's company made Leela- supremely happy.

17. Leela’s box was full of calalogues, illustrated books and stumps of pencils.

18. After dinner everyday Sidda told Leela- incomparable stories of animals in the jungle, of gods in heaven and of magicians.

19. ‘'I don’t see it’' Here ‘it' refers to the traces of the moon.

20. One evening Sidda went to buy sugar.

21. Leela’s mother suspected Sidda as a thief.

22. Mr. Sivasanker considered Sidda as an old criminal.

23. Leela’s mother found the gold chain in a tamarind pot.


24. The relationship that Sidda and Leela enjoyed was -  Friendship and trust.

25. Leela was put to sleep by - Sidda’s stories.

26. According to police inspector Sidda has been in jail - half a dozen times.

27. One evening Leela went to buy sugar - with Sidda.

The End

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Class 12 Model Activity Task English with answer of part 1 and 2 July,2021



                মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক

                        দ্বাদশ শ্রেণী


এই পোস্টে আমরা আলোচনা করব পশ্চিমবঙ্গ মধ্যশিক্ষা পর্ষদের তরফ থেকে দেওয়া দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক এর ইংরেজি বিষয়ের সমাধান।

1. " And out of its leprous hide" 

What does 'hide' refer to? Why is it called 'leprous'? How is the tree finally killed?

Ans: Here In the poem 'On Killing a Tree' by Gieve Patel the word 'hide' refers to the bark of the tree.

       It is called 'leprous' because the rough bark of the tree looks like a skin of a leprosy patient.

     According to the poet, a tree can not be killed by a simple jab of a knife or by hacking and chopping it. To kill a tree it's root is to be pulled out from the anchoring earth. After pulling out, it is kept in the sun and air to get schorched and choked. Next, it is left in the sun to make it hard and brown. Then it is twisted and withered in the sun. Thus the tree is finally killed. 

2. " But her next question removed my doubts." Who does "her" refer to? What "doubts" did the narrator have? How did the "question" remove the"doubts"

Ans: Here ‘Her’ refers to the young girl , the co-passenger of the narrator in the short story "The Eys Have It."

                The narrator had doubts whether she had noticed that he could not see.

                 This question removed his doubts because she would not have asked him to ‘look out of the window’ if she had known that he could not see. So her question removed the narrator's doubts.


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Most Important SAQ from ‘On killing A Tree' 

3. Justify the title of the story "The Eyes Have It."

Ans: The title of Ruskin Bond's short story "The Eyes Have It" is quite witty. The story tells about a short meeting between the blind narrator and a girl in a train journey. Impressed by the girls voice, the narrator tries to hide his blindness. But in the end he comes to know that the girl also completely blind. Thus the blindness of both the main characters comprises the theme of the story. Here lies the irony in the story. Thus the title is apt.

4. Write a summary of the following passage:

Ans: Communication- verbal and non-verbal communication is an essential part of every living beings's daily life. There are two types of communication, namely verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication is used for interaction, catching attention of the counterparts and warning to the enemies. Through non-verbal communication exhibition of power or surrender is observed. Smile is a non-verbal communication for friendship. 

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Download PDF 👉 ENGLISH PART-1&2


1. Discuss in brief the significance of the title The Eyes Have It.

Ans: The word ‘eyes’ in the title “The Eyes Have It” signifies the inner eyes. Here in this story, the author Ruskin Bond has presented two characters—the narrator and his only girl co-passenger, both of them are blind. But we see that both of them try to hide their blindness from each other. Also both of them speak with each other like an eye-sighted man and they describe the outside of the train, beauty of Mussoorie so fantastically as if they can see. The writer thinks that it has been possible for those two blind characters only by the power of their inner eyes. So, the title of the story may be interpreted in this way that the inner eyes have it i.e. the power to see the the unseen. The title of this story is very much apt.


2. The poem On Killing a Tree describes man's cruelty and violence to nature. Discuss

Ans: The poem 'On Killing a Tree' is a satirical poem, at man's violence and cruelty in killing a tree. The poet has described in detail how a tree having superior life force can resist onslaught and withstand. In the second part of the poem, the poet has narrated the deliberate and cold blooded of violence that a man undertakes in forcibly exposing the soft part of a tree's strength and unkindly kills it by scorching and choking in air and sunlight. 


3. Is the play, 'The Proposal' a farce? Justify your answer with close reference to the text.

Ans: A farce is a broad satire that includes ridiculous situation, witty dialogues, crude characters and buffoonery to produce laughter. Anton Chekhov's 'The Proposal' stuffused with funny situations. Lomov who turns up to talk marriage, actually talks about weather, Oxen Meadows and dogs. Natalya goes hysteric when she learns that Lomov had come with a marriage proposal up his sleeve. The characters are caricatures. Chubukov is maniac and hypocritic. The dialogues are innovatively witty.

4. "I shall try to be brief"- 

Who is the speaker? Is the speaker successful in his purpose? 

Bring out the irony of the situation.

Ans: Lomov the hero of Anton Chekhov's play 'The Proposal' is the speaker here. 

        Lomov has come with a marriage proposal to Chubukov's daughter Natalya. He tries to propose to Natalya. He is too much tensed. But he starts with a long introduction about the family relations of the both family. Thus he distracted from his purpose. 

        Firstly, Lomov's tension and incoherent speech can be enjoyed with fun. Secondly, he declares to express his proposal in brief and starts a long conversation. This becomes funny. The irony lies in this situation.

The End